
I started painting when I was in school, copying paintings by famous artists. I kept painting as a hobby when I went to university. In 1975, I took a break from studying and painted my first mural inspired by Walter Kershaw, who painted murals on houses in the North West. It was on the wall of the Manchester University Day Nursery. Later, it was featured in a book called ‘Painting the Town’ in 1979. After that, I moved to London and painted four more murals, including one with a pop art style.

As a Buddhist, I also expressed my creativity by making shrines and Buddha images, like the one in the tea area at the Birmingham Buddhist Centre. Besides big paintings, I also made smaller artworks using collage. I used the bright colors of Lee Filters Theatre gel to make abstract pieces inspired by the St Ives school.

Mural at 1 Wedlake Street, London NW10 (1989) solvent-based paint, 5oft x 13ft:

Panoramic view of mural at the top, image details below



‘Three Peaks Challenge’ shrine at Manchester Buddhist Centre (2019)



Sangha Day shrine at Manchester Buddhist Centre circa 2016



New Year’s Eve shrine at Manchester Buddhist Centre circa 2015



Padmasambhava Day shrine at Manchester Buddhist Centre circa 2018



‘Blue sky’ in tea area, Buddha Day at Manchester Buddhist Centre 2018



‘Parinirvana Buddha,’ Birmingham Buddhist Centre 2000



Homage to St Ives, mixed media, approx 8in wide circa 2012



‘Tiger in the Jungle’ mural, Manchester University day nursery, Oxford Road, Manchester (1975) oil-based paint; as featured in ‘Painting the Town.’



Cover of ‘Painting the Town’ (1979)



Rendering of Turner’s ‘Ulysses deriding Polyphemus’ (1972) acrylic paint, approx 3ft wide



Rendering of Cezanne self portrait (1973) acrylic paint, approx 18in wide


